Thursday, August 13, 2009


There was a time in my life were I only followed and it was not easy. I have now reached the point of leadership not great leadership but I can consider myself to be a leader. No I did not wake up one morning and say I want to be a leader it was a slow process of evolution. Trust me change is not easy no matter how often you face it accepting change takes courage. As with any task leadership takes commitment but the only difference is you can not quit being a leader because you have people following you I learned that the hard way. I then began to examine what my purpose was and it was clear to me that my job is to be a leader to those who have yet to build up the courage to become a leader of there own. So with that being said I now devote this moment all that follow to bring about great leadership, humility, and most of all CHANGE.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Half Way

I have reach mile 545 which means I am almost half way finished. I have created a camera mount for my bike so I will be posting pictures and videos soon.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just rode 25.2 miles from santa monica to torrance. Now heading home. I am tired. I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me....CHANGE

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Today I did 17.8 miles I need to get some rest if I am going to be riding in the morning

Friday, July 10, 2009

bike tour/4k

had a meeting with tannis and deputy McCall today about getting together a security plan for out event found out some really cool ways to go about getting some things done.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Small things in Life

Everyday I learn something new even it is sometimes nothing more than a friends favorite color, today for example I found out that my sister was pregnant again. But more importantly I find out more about myself. I have come to realize that there are really no surprises in life just those small details that you tend to overlook which can ultimately lead to an unexpected ending. Ask yourself when was the last time I literally stared into the mirror looking past my physical appearance. How often do I talk about something that I want to do but call it impossible not because of the barrier that we see in front of us but because we fail to put forth an effort. Lets make the decision to keep moving forward. Today my heart became overwhelmed with joy after reconnecting with a friend. It is something that very small that can put you into the realization chair. I was telling my best friend about the work that I am doing to help ensure a safe transition for youth who emancipate out of foster care and become homeless she was telling me to go no further because she was in tears. It was at that moment that i was motivated to go forth and continue what I do. I now encourage everyone to get out there and make at least one change in the life of someone they may never meet.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Am I going to finish on time?

So I have done math and yesterday I rode 22.33miles that brings me to a total of 328.1miles which means that I am not on track to finish on time. Change is not going to come with me slacking off like this.

homeless youth that emancipate from foster care

So i am riding my bike 1,149 miles in honor of youth who emancipated from foster care last year and became homeless does anyone want to do a ride with me ever mile counts even if you only do 1.
I believe that one action is worth more than one billion conversations.